




“Unitrade cluster” Ltd is established in 2013. The company has received financing form the EU under the Operational Programme “Competitiveness” 2007-2013 to develop its activity in the waste management and recycling.

The main activity of the cluster is collection (from the point of origin), the transportation, storage, pretreatment, recycling (regranulation) of the plastic and nylon waste and their further realization on the market in the form of recyclable material for the production of goods from polyethylene regranulate. The cluster consists of seven companies, with significant experience in the cooperation between each other, know-how in the waste management and excellent reputation on the market.

“Unitrade cluster” Ltd is the holding company for the following well-known on the market companies: “Unitrade 2002” Ltd, “Vadias” Ltd, “MKD-69” Ltd, “Unitrade 2011” Ltd, “Vadias Trade” Ltd, “Unitrade Eko” Ltd and “Max Trade Sped” Ltd.

The rationale behind the clustering is related to the business cooperation and the stimulus for the development of the assets, technology and infrastructure and securing joined investments, these being the strongest competitive advantages of the cluster, impossible for a sole company. Moreover, the regional concentration of the members of the cluster and the relative proximity of other economic factors, important for the sector, facilitate the creation of other synergies, like the more effective use of qualified labour force and multiplication of the already acquired market share.

The activity of the members of the cluster is concentrated mainly in Sofia, but relates to the entire west region of Bulgaria.

The regional significance of Unitrade Cluster has multiple directions and is directly related to the waste collection, transportation and recycling, which is an issue of high social and environmental importance. In that context, the members of the cluster turn to management, related to the so-called “social responsibility”, by setting the following important targets:

• Setting the cluster among the entire territory of Bulgaria and the developing a wide network of business partnerships;

• Creating international contacts and partnerships, with the aim of building transnational cluster relations;

• Developing programs for the building of production capacities for the processing of all types of waste and investing in the development of new methods for reuse;

• Expanding our presence on the local and international market in the area of waste management.

"Unitrade 2002" Ltd. – The main activity of the company is internal and external trading: purchasing, pretreatment and trading of waste, pretreatment of metal and non-metal waste and wholesale of waste and scrap metal, after issuing the required documentation.

"Unitrade 2011" Ltd. – the company is established in 2011 in Sofia, with main activity collection, storage, pretreatment and local and international trade on the market for waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, end-of-life vehicles (ELV), waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), waste batteries and accumulators (WBA), as well as waste metal packaging. Additionally to its main activities, the company also operates in the area of collection, transportation and temporary storage of waste paper, plastic, nylon and glass.

"Unitrade Eco" Ltd. - the main activity of the company is collection, temporary storage, pretreatment and follow-up marketing of paper, cardboard, plastic, nylon, wood and other packaging waste.

"MKD-69" Ltd. – the main activity is the collection, temporary storage, pretreatment, transportation and recycling of waste plastic. As an additional activities, "MKD-69" Ltd. also performs collection, transportation and temporary storage of paper, nylon, plastic and glass waste, end-of-life vehicles (ELV), waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), waste batteries and accumulators (WBA), non-ferrous metals and metal packaging.

"Vadias" Ltd. - The main activity is the collection, pretreatment and recycling (regranulation) of polypropylene (PP), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) waste and its further realization on the market. A fraction of the granulate (10-12%) is processed to end products - polyethylene film, plastic bags and sacks, and the rest (88-90%) is sold as raw materials on the markets in Bulgaria and the Balkans, and in other countries of the European Union.

"Max Sped Trade" Ltd. - The main activity of Max Trade is international transportation and freight forwarding, as well as waste collection and transportation of waste and non-hazard recyclable construction, commercial and domestic waste around the country and abroad.

"Unitrade Cluster" Ltd

1528 Sofia, Isskar district,

4, Podporuchik Yordan Todorov St.

phone/fax: 02/973 27 00

mobile: +359/888 541 738


Working hours:

monday to friday: 8 to 17h.

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The European Union

European Regional Development Fund



"Development of the Competitiveness

of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013

Delivered project № BG161PO003-2.4.02-0104-С0001

Beneficiary: „Unitrade Cluster“ Ltd

The project is implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013, financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria

All rights reserved “Unitrade Cluster” 2015