




“Unitrade cluster” Ltd is established in 2013. The company has received financing form the EU under the Operational Programme “Competitiveness” 2007-2013 to develop its activity in the waste management and recycling.

The main activity of the cluster is collection (from the point of origin), the transportation, storage, pretreatment, recycling (regranulation) of the plastic and nylon waste and their further realization on the market in the form of recyclable material for the production of goods from polyethylene regranulate. The cluster consists of seven companies, with significant experience in the cooperation between each other, know-how in the waste management and excellent reputation on the market.

“Unitrade cluster” Ltd is the holding company for the following well-known on the market companies: “Unitrade 2002” Ltd, “Vadias” Ltd, “MKD-69” Ltd, “Unitrade 2011” Ltd, “Vadias Trade” Ltd, “Unitrade Eko” Ltd and “Max Trade Sped” Ltd.


BULECOPACK AD, city of Sofia


„Екоколект” АД, гр. София


Duropack Trakia Papir S.a., city of Pazardzhik


"Unitrade Cluster" Ltd

1528 Sofia, Isskar district,

4, Podporuchik Yordan Todorov St.

phone/fax: 02/973 27 00

mobile: +359/888 541 738


Working hours:

monday to friday: 8 to 17h.

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The European Union

European Regional Development Fund



"Development of the Competitiveness

of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013

Delivered project № BG161PO003-2.4.02-0104-С0001

Beneficiary: „Unitrade Cluster“ Ltd

The project is implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013, financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria

All rights reserved “Unitrade Cluster” 2015